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Cheese and packaging: what do you need to know?

How effective packaging methods highlight the taste and quality of dairy products

When it comes to choosing the best cheese packaging materials, there are several factors to consider. Understanding the characteristics of different types of cheese, storage methods and shelf life will help you make the best choice for your product.

Product type and characteristics

The type of cheese and its specific characteristics play a key role in determining the most appropriate packaging materials. The four main categories of cheese and their unique properties include:

Hard cheese

These cheeses, which include Parmesan and Cheddar, have a low moisture content and are firm in texture. Their packaging must protect them from further drying and prevent contact with external contaminants. Shrink and vacuum-sealed bags are popular choices for hard cheeses.

Semi-hard cheese

Gouda and Emmental are examples of semi-hard cheeses that have a slightly higher moisture content than hard cheeses. They need packaging that preserves their shape and texture while preventing moisture loss. Vacuum modified atmosphere film is a commonly used material for this category of cheese.

Soft cheese

Brie and Camembert fall into the soft cheese category, characterised by their creamy texture and high moisture content. These cheeses require packaging that allows a controlled amount of air to pass through them to prevent the development of mould while maintaining an appropriate level of humidity. Rigid modified gas environment films and trailer barrier films are ideal for soft cheeses.

Fresh cheese

Fresh cheeses, such as mozzarella and ricotta, have the highest moisture content and the shortest shelf life. Packaging materials for these cheeses should focus on preserving freshness, controlling moisture, and protecting against external contaminants. Rigid bottom film, modified atmosphere vacuum bags are suitable for fresh cheeses.

Cheese storage techniques

Proper storage techniques are essential to preserve the quality and flavor of your cheeses and cheese. The following aspects should be considered when choosing packaging materials:

1. Temperature control: Cheese and cheese must be stored at the appropriate temperature to prevent spoilage and preserve quality.

2. Humidity control: Packaging materials that help regulate humidity are essential to prevent the cheese from drying out or becoming too wet.

3. Airflow control: Different types of cheese require different levels of airflow. While some cheeses need controlled airflow (e.g. soft cheeses), others may need more breathable packaging materials (e.g. blue cheese).

A further determining factor to consider when choosing packaging materials is the shelf life of the cheese. Those that extend shelf-life, such as vacuum sealing, modified atmosphere or selective permeability packaging, can be useful in reducing waste and ensuring that the freshness of your product will be maintained until the end consumer.



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